J1: Describe your best friend and explain why you value his friendship.
HW1: What is the "Oath" and why do they agree to it?
J2: Free Writing
HW2: Free Writing
J3: What are your impressions of John and Lorraine
HW3: Would you ever befriend an old person?
J4: Describe the prank J and L play on Mr. Pignati.
HW4: Why is Lorraine horrified by the prank?
J5: How would you respond if you had no phone privileges?
HW5: Is Mr. Pignati a believable character?
J6: Describe John's relationship with his parents.
HW6: How do you express individuality?
J7: Describe Lorraine's mother (looks and behavior).
HW7: How are J&L's lives like a zoo?
J8: Free Write
HW8: Free Write
J9: Have you ever hurt a friend?
HW9: Do apologies help?
J10: What is the most meaningful thing you own?
HW10: What would you like to own?
J11: Should the truth always be told?
HW11: What does the confession do to their friendship?
J12: How is John changing?
HW12: How is Lorraine changing?
J13: How are a house and home different?
HW13: What does "magic" mean to John and Lorraine?
J14: Why is John so concerned about his appearance?
HW14: How are J and L helpful to the Pigman?
J15: How will I improve my grades?
HW15: Best excuses ever!
J16: What was the wildest party you've heard about?
HW16: Who is most to blame for the party?
J17: What did John learn from this experience?
HW17: What did Lorraine learn from this experience?