Tuesday, May 31, 2011

PERIOD 3: Feb - June 2011

J49: What is CONFLICT?
J50: What is Jonas's conflict?
J51: What is IRONY?
J52: What do you need?
J53: Do you always need an answer?
J54: Is there such a thing as a perfect murder?
Read through page 191. Respond to the following 6 Journals.
Journals must be at least 65 words in length.
J55: How would you feel if you had to move to a new country and
did not know the culture or the language?
J56: Why did the Garcia family leave the Dominican Republic?
Why did they decide to remain in the United States?
J57: How does Yolanda's attitude toward the English language
J58: Why does Carla want to return to the Dominican Republic?
J59: How does Sofia's relationship with her father change over time?
Discuss why they behave the way they do over time.
J60: Free Write
J61:How does America view immigrants?
J62:How are you different than your grandparents?
J63: Free Write
J64: What will be found of you 100 years from now?
J65: What makes you unique?
J66: Free Write

J67: Free Write
J68: List three adjectives to describe you.

J69: What does "home" mean to you?
J70: What is your favorite poem or song?
J71: Which issues affect teens today?
J72: Is it easier to talk to family or friends about your problems?
J73: Free Write
J74: What was 9th grade like for you?
J75: How important is making new friends?
J76: How has peer pressure affected you?
J77: How is homosexuality viewed by teenagers?

J78: What has your high school experience been so far?
J79: Free Write
J80: What makes you happy?
J81: What are your fears?
J82: How are women portrayed in the media
J83: What are your Spring Break plans?
J84: How was your Spring Break?

J85: How does the media portray the relationships between men and women?
J86: How do you define love?
J87 How does the media portray teen pregnancy?
J88: Define friendship for someone who has never heard of it.

J89: Free Write
J90: What are your short-term goals?
J91: Who will win the NBA Eastern Championship? OR Free Write
J92: How important is education to you?
J93: What are your plans for the weekend?
J94: What word describes life? Explain.
J95: Free Write
J96: What advice would you give children about drugs?
J97: Free Write
J98: RESPOND: I would die for you. I won't live my life for you.
J99: Does Charlie have a good life?
J100: How do psychiatrists help people?

HOMEWORKS:The Perks of Being a Wallflower
49: How important is making new friends to Charlie?
50: Are Sam and Patrick good influences on Charlie?
51: What info is Brad afraid will be discovered? Why?
52: How has Charlie's view of high school changed?
53: Free Write
54: Is Charlie at risk for suicide?

55: What are Charlie's fears?
56: How are men portrayed in the novel?
57: What advice would you give Charlie about dating?
58: How does Charlie define love?
59: Do you agree with Charlie's sister's decision?
60: How are men portrayed in the novel?
61: Which character in the novel could be your friend? Explain.

62: How has Charlie evolved form Part 1?
63: Free Write
64: Should Mary Elizabeth forgive Charlie?
65: Why did Sam Forgive Charlie?
66: What word describes Charlie's life?
67: Free Write

PERIOD 2: Feb - June 2011

J49: What is CONFLICT?
J50: What is Braling's conflict?
J51: What is IRONY?
J52: What do you need?
J53: Do you always need an answer?
J54: Is there such a thing as a perfect murder?

Read through page 191. Respond to the following 6 Journals.
Journals must be at least 65 words in length.
J55: How would you feel if you had to move to a new country and
did not know the culture or the language?
J56: Why did the Garcia family leave the Dominican Republic?
Why did they decide to remain in the United States?
J57: How does Yolanda's attitude toward the English language
J58: Why does Carla want to return to the Dominican Republic?
J59: How does Sofia's relationship with her father change over time?
Discuss why they behave the way they do over time.
J60: Free Write
J61:How does America view immigrants?
J62:How are you different than your grandparents?
J63: Free Write
J64: What will be found of you 100 years from now?
J65: What makes you unique?
J66: Free Write

J67: Free Write
J68: List three adjectives to describe you.
J69: What does "home" mean to you?
J70: What is your favorite poem or song?
J71: Which issues affect teens today?
J72: Is it easier to talk to family or friends about your problems?
J73: Free Write
J74: What was 9th grade like for you?
J75: How important is making new friends?
J76: How has peer pressure affected you?
J77: How is homosexuality viewed by teenagers?
J78: What has your high school experience been so far?
J79: Free Write
J80: What makes you happy?
J81: What are your fears?
J82: How are women portrayed in the media
J83: What are your Spring Break plans?
J84: How was your Spring Break?
J85: How does the media portray the relationships between men and women?
J86: How do you define love?
J87 How does the media portray teen pregnancy?
J88: Define friendship for someone who has never heard of it.
J89: Free Write
J90: What are your short-term goals?
J91: Who will win the NBA Eastern Championship? OR Free Write
J92: How important is education to you?
J93: What are your plans for the weekend?
J94: What word describes life? Explain.
J95: Free Write
J96: What advice would you give children about drugs?
J97: Free Write
J98: RESPOND: I would die for you. I won't live my life for you.
J99: Does Charlie have a good life?
J100: How do psychiatrists help people?

HOMEWORKS: The Perks of Being a Wallflower
49: How important is making new friends to Charlie?
50: Are Sam and Patrick good influences on Charlie?
51: What info is Brad afraid will be discovered? Why?
52: How has Charlie's view of high school changed?
53: Free Write
54: Is Charlie at risk for suicide?
55: What are Charlie's fears?
56: How are men portrayed in the novel?
57: What advice would you give Charlie about dating?
58: How does Charlie define love?
59: Do you agree with Charlie's sister's decision?
60: How are men portrayed in the novel?
61: Which character in the novel could be your friend? Explain.
62: How has Charlie evolved form Part 1?
63: Free Write
64: Should Mary Elizabeth forgive Charlie?
65: Why did Sam Forgive Charlie?
66: What word describes Charlie's life?
67: Free Write

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


known only to a few people
Clamor shout; scream
Discursiveness long windedness
show off
Infamous famous for something bad
Mellow soft; melodious; ripe
Patron one who gives support (usually financial)
Prostration 1. lying face down; 2. be overcome with extreme weakness
Somnambulist sleepwalker
Vehemence violence

ancient; outdated
secret; covert; stealthy
strong dislike
making jokes about serious matters
deduce; conclude
collection of animals
behave arrogantly
main character in film, book, play etc.

Thursday, May 12, 2011


Write a six paragraph essay for the following crtitical lens statements.

"The best literature is about the old universal truths, such as love, honor, pride, compassion, and sacrifice."

Critical Lens Worksheet
Essay Template
INTRODUCTION: (Paragraph 1)

1. Write the critical lens quote and the author
Quote:__ _______________________________________________________
2. What does the critical lens (quote) mean? (Explain in your own words
what you think it means).


3. Do you agree or disagree with the critical lens (quote)?

4. List
any two books you’ve read (title and author).
Author of Book #1:_______________________________________________
Title of Book#1:__
Author of Book #2:_______________________________________________
Title of Book#2:__
5. Give your controlling idea (thesis). In other words, simply state how these two
books deal with the idea presented in the quote.


Paragraph 2:

1. Author of Book#1:_________________________________________________
Title of Book#1:__
2. Tell how the critical lens (quote) relates to Book #1. (Give specific examples from
the story).
3. Use an example of a literary element from Book #1 to prove your point dealing with
the critical lens (quote); for example, setting, conflict, point of view, mood, theme,
metaphor, characterization, etc.


Paragraph 3:

1. Author of Book#2:_________________________________________________
Title of Book#2:__
2. Tell how the critical lens (quote) relates to Book #2.

3. Use an example of a literary element from Book #2 to prove your point dealing with
the critical lens (quote); for example, setting, point of view, mood, theme, metaphor,
characterization, etc.


Paragraph 4: (Conclusion)

1. Your conclusion should contain all the information that you included in your


Restate the critical lens (quote). (Give your interpretation of it).


Summarize your arguments (include if you agreed or disagreed, address both books).

o B ook # 1 :

o B ook # 2 :

2. Give your critical lens essay a fresh ending. (For example: a personal insight, a quote
that illustrates your argument, or a revelation or new idea about the book or books).

HEALTH CLASS: Final Project

Choose three of the topics below. For each topic you must
1. define the issue
2. discuss the issue's affect on society
3. offer two solutions for the problem and how you would implement the solution

1. caring for the mentally challenged
2. obesity
3. proper nutrition
4. drug abuse
5. depression/suicide

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Anecdotea brief amusing story
Dexterousskilful with hands
Incoherentnot clear
Maladroitclumsy; unskillful
Presumptuousassuming too much; arrogant
Scrupulouscareful; diligent; painstaking
Unequivocalclear; obvious
Animosityhatred; antagonism
Censoriousdisapproving; critical
Dichotomya division into two parts
Extrapolateextend; predict on the basis of known data
Incongruousnot fitting in; out of place
Palpableeasily felt; easily perceived
Pretentiouspompous; self-important
Scrutinizeexamine carefully
Unfetterset free

Monday, May 2, 2011

PERIOD 5: Feb-June 2011 The Art of Movies Final Project

Final Movie Project

1. Pick a movie, any movie. I respectfully insist that your movie not
go beyond PG-13
2. Pick a scene from the movie that lasts about five minutes
3. Add dialogue and sound effects to make your movie funny
4. Present your film to the class
5. Accept the praise or criticism of your classmates

1. Pick a movie, any movie. I respectfully insist that your movie not
go beyond PG-13. The movie you choose should be one that you
consider really good OR really awful.
2. Pick a scene from the movie that lasts about five minutes
3. Introduce the film, the actors, and give background to
understanding the scene
4. Present the scene to the class and explain why this movie is really
good OR really awful
5. Accept the praise or criticism of your classmates

1. Create a film of your own. If you already have one, lucky you!
2. Pick a scene from the movie that lasts about five minutes
3. Introduce the film, the actors, and give background to
understanding the scene
4. Present the scene to the class and explain why this movie is really
good OR really awful
5. Accept the praise or criticism of your classmates

1. You MAY use a partner. Please: three’s a crowd.
2. Please produce a written form of your presentation; typed if possible.

Monday, May 2: 1. Richard Romer
Tuesday, May 3: 1. Antrico 2. Altabar
Wednesday, May 4: 1. Joshua Nieves 2. Alfredo
Thursday, May 5: 1. Brendan Sheridan 2. Nick Perez 3. Jon Velez, Luis HIdalgo
Friday, May 6: 1. Titus King 2. Robert, Josilee, Tim
2. Tyreek, Miriam, Jennifer
Monday, May 9: 1. Jeff, Genacy