Monday, May 2, 2011

PERIOD 5: Feb-June 2011 The Art of Movies Final Project

Final Movie Project

1. Pick a movie, any movie. I respectfully insist that your movie not
go beyond PG-13
2. Pick a scene from the movie that lasts about five minutes
3. Add dialogue and sound effects to make your movie funny
4. Present your film to the class
5. Accept the praise or criticism of your classmates

1. Pick a movie, any movie. I respectfully insist that your movie not
go beyond PG-13. The movie you choose should be one that you
consider really good OR really awful.
2. Pick a scene from the movie that lasts about five minutes
3. Introduce the film, the actors, and give background to
understanding the scene
4. Present the scene to the class and explain why this movie is really
good OR really awful
5. Accept the praise or criticism of your classmates

1. Create a film of your own. If you already have one, lucky you!
2. Pick a scene from the movie that lasts about five minutes
3. Introduce the film, the actors, and give background to
understanding the scene
4. Present the scene to the class and explain why this movie is really
good OR really awful
5. Accept the praise or criticism of your classmates

1. You MAY use a partner. Please: three’s a crowd.
2. Please produce a written form of your presentation; typed if possible.

Monday, May 2: 1. Richard Romer
Tuesday, May 3: 1. Antrico 2. Altabar
Wednesday, May 4: 1. Joshua Nieves 2. Alfredo
Thursday, May 5: 1. Brendan Sheridan 2. Nick Perez 3. Jon Velez, Luis HIdalgo
Friday, May 6: 1. Titus King 2. Robert, Josilee, Tim
2. Tyreek, Miriam, Jennifer
Monday, May 9: 1. Jeff, Genacy

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