Friday, May 22, 2009


J1: Why do you like the movies?
HW1: Discuss the ways in which "Network" is critical of TV.
J2: What makes you laugh?
HW2: What are your favorite comedies?
J3: Why does violence fascinate us?
HW3: How does the filmmaker heighten the violence?
J4: If you send someone to do your dirty work, who’s responsible?
HW4: Who is a more powerful character: Mike or his wife (Ruth)?
J5: Why is Mike losing his grip?
HW5: What is the difference between a leader and a tyrant?
J6: Who are the good guys?
HW6: Describe the strange behavior of Mike and his wife.
J7: Should ambition be checked by morality?
HW7: Free Writing
J8: Do you believe in visions?
HW8: Is Mike insane or just feeling guilty?
J9: Can the truth hurt as well as help?
HW9: Discuss: Mike is more to blame than Ruth.
J10: Do you believe in charms and amulets?
HW10: How do the predictions come true?
J11: It’s Free Writing Friday
HW11: It’s Free Writing Friday
J12: Why do we like to challenge authority?
HW12: Describe several ways YOU challenge authority.
J13: Describe a time you felt out of place.
HW13: What is a snob?
J14: Define: Insanity
HW14: How should society measure “normalcy”?
J15: Why is McMurphy the hero of Cuckoo’s Nest?
HW15: Describe Nurse Ratched.
J16: What is “fairness”?
HW16: What does the glass cage symbolize for the patients; for Nurse Ratched?
J17: How does the Chief achieve “invisibility”?
HW17: What is the relationship between McMurphy and Billy; McMurphy and Chief Bromden
J18: What is true strength?
HW18: Which part of the movie was your favorite?
J19: Why do we dislike Nurse Ratched?
HW19: Who wins at the end?
J20: Free Writing
HW20: Free Writing
J21: Why do we listen to critics?
HW21: How do critics form their opinions?
J22: Why are movies so popular?
HW22: Would you ever want to appear in a movie?
J23: Who is your favorite movie hero?
HW23: Does movie violence lead to real-life violence?
J24: Which do you prefer: book or movie?
HW24: Has a movie ever had a positive effect on you?
J25: Which is more important: Character or Conflict?
HW25: Which movie had the most surprising ending?
J26: What are some of the great symbols you know?
HW26: Explain the symbolism of the dominoes.
J27: What is a hero?
HW27: Who are your heroes?
J28: Free Writing
HW28: Free Writing
J29: Do you prefer a movie that features immediate action or a movie that builds slowly?
HW29: Pick any two movies band compare them.
J29: Do you prefer a movie that features immediate action or a movie that builds slowly?
HW29: Pick any two movies band compare them.
J30: Fact or Opinion: Movies are a waste of precious time
HW30: Fact or Opinion: Movie stars are overpaid
J31: What is “honor”?
HW31: Describe the most honorable person you know.
J32: Is technology hurting us?
HW32: Should doctors be more compassionate than others?
J33: What does “vigilante” connote?
HW33: Are issues ever really clear-cut?
J34: Free Writing
HW34: Free Writing
J35: Suggest one improvement our school can make.
HW35: Leave a message.
J36: Have you changed from the start of the term?
HW36: What are your favorite expressions?
J37: Free Writing
HW37: Free Writing
J38: Make up your own holiday
HW38: Why are we scared by ghosts?
J39: How much money would satisfy you?
HW39: Would you rather have love or money?
J40: Say something nice about someone
HW40: Can you tell when someone is lying?
J41: What would you like to experience that you’ve never experienced before?
HW41: What would you do with the power to read minds?
J42: Free Writing
HW42: Free Writing
J43: What would you do if you found a valuable object?
HW43: Would you rather be brilliant or beautiful?
J44: Explain this: “This sentence is false.”
HW44: Write three of your favorite punchlines
J45: Write a note to your future self
HW45: Are you in favor of the death penalty?
J46: Why do con-men still exist
HW46: What changes people?
J47: Free Writing
HW47: Free Writing

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