Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Insurrectionists: rebels

Intemperance: lack of moderation

Irreverence: lack of respect

Jeopardize: put at risk

Lackadaisical: lazy; lax

Lucid: clear

Magnanimity: generosity (of spirit)

Multifarious: having many aspects

Nefarious: infamous

Onerous: burdensome

Opportunism: grabbing opportunities; seeking unprincipled advantage

Ornate: highly decorated

Precursor: forerunner

Proponents: supporters

Resolute: firm of purpose

Sanctity: holiness

Seditious: causing division or rebellion

Slipshod: careless; untidy

Solicitousness: expressing care/concern

Sophistry: devious logic

Substantiate: give supporting evidence

Subversive: intending to overthrow

Sustain: support

Tenacious: holding firmly to idea or purpose

Volatile: 1. evaporates easily, 2. easily angered; emotional

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