Monday, July 14, 2014



VOCABULARY: period 1
1. diligence: strong effort to accomplish a task 
2. fastidious: difficult to satisfy  
3. foresight: careful thought about the future
4. judicious: good judgment; sensible; wise
5. meticulous: careful and precise; detailed
6. minutiae: trivial (unimportant) details     
7. prudence, prudent: common sense    
8. punctilious: careful and exact
9. select(ive): careful in choosing; particular      
10. system(atic): having a system; orderly

1.  Bob’s diligence paid off when he passed all his classes.
2.  Fastidious customers insist on top quality.
3.  Planning the future requires foresight.
4.  Judicious buyers make wise decisions.
5.  Bob did well on tests because he took meticulous notes.
6.  Don’t waste time studying the minutiae.
7.  Prudent people save money each paycheck.
8.  Bob was punctilious about returning books.
9.  Selective people don’t make friends easily.

10.                   Scientist are systematic in their studies.


11. autonomy: independence
12. despot: tyrant, dictator
13. feudal: the social system of the medieval period
14. hegemony: control by one country over another
15. hierarchy: the ranking of authority
16. prerogative: a right or privilege
17. regime: a government
18. sovereign: a) king    b) self-governing
19. totalitarian: government with total control
      20. usurp: to seize control 

11. Adults have more autonomy than children.
12. Kim Jong-un is a North Korean despot.
13. Feudal societies featured lords and vassals.
14. Spain once sought hegemony over the world.
15. The hierarchy of a school includes the principal and deans.
16. You may say yes or no; it’s your prerogative.
17. Many regimes in South America have been unstable.
18. Tsar Nikolai II was the last sovereign of Russia.
19. Communist nations tend to be totalitarian.
20. The barbarians usurped Roman territory 

VOCAB TEST: : Is the word used correctly in the sentence?    “C”= correct   “I” = incorrect

1. Because of Bob’s diligence nothing got done
2. The fastidious customer insisted that she get the best quality.      
3. With some foresight, most problems can be avoided.
4. Preparing early for a long journey is a judicious action.
5. Bob’s meticulous notes helped him study.
6. Looking at the minutiae is a waste of time.   
7. Prudent people waste money.    
8. Punctilious people never return anything.
9. Selective people usually have many friends.
10. A systematic approach to a problem never works.

PART TWO: Is the DEFINITION correct in the sentence?    “C”= correct   “I” = incorrect
11. diligence: strong effort to accomplish a task      
12. fastidious: easy to satisfy
13. foresight: careful thought about the future
14. judicious: poor judgment
15. meticulous: careful and precise; detailed
16. minutiae: important details  
17. prudence, prudent: foolish    
18. punctilious: careful and exact
19. selective: careful in choosing; particular
20. systematic:  disorderly

VOCABULARY: words 21-30
21.abject: lacking all self-respect; very miserable
22. conjecture: to guess
23. dejected: depressed
24. injection: the act of forcing a liquid or gas into something else
25. jetty: a pier
26. objectionable: offensive; arousing disapproval
27. projectile: a bullet, arrow, missile or rocket
28. reject: to refuse to accept; to throw out;
29. subjective: personal
30. trajectory: the path made by a moving body

21. The pauper was in abject poverty.
22. If you are unsure, make a conjecture.
23. The fans were dejected after their team lost.
24. An injection of medicine saved my life.
25. The boat was tied to the jetty.
26. Insulting comments are objectionable.
27. An arrow is a simple projectile.
28. Bob was rejected for the job he wanted.
29. Personal tastes are subjective.
30. I could see by the trajectory of the basketball, that it would miss the hoop. 

31- accredit – to recognize as having met official standards
Grady is an accredited high school.
32- credence – acceptance as true or valid: belief
The doctor’s diagnosis has credence because he is an expert.
33- credential – evidence of a person’s authority
Con Ed workers must show their credentials before entering your home.
34- credibility – reliability
The witness has credibility because she was there.
35- creditable – deserving praise
Giving charity is a creditable act.
36- credulous – easily fooled;  gullible
Credulous people believe that the missing plane is on the moon.
37- creed – a system of guiding beliefs
You may not be discriminated against based on race or creed.
38- discredit – to destroy the trust in something
One eyewitness can discredit the made up stories of a hundred people.
39- incredible – to be extraordinary
40- miscreant – criminal; villain
The miscreant was taken to jail.



WORDS 41-50
41. brazen: rudely bold; insolent
42. complaisant: showing a desire or willingness to please; cheerfully obliging
43. conspicuous: easy to notice; obvious; attracting attention
44. docile: easily managed or taught; gentle
45. flamboyant: showy; exaggerated style or manner; richly colored
46. intrepid: courageous; fearless; bold
47. pacific: peaceful; tranquil; promoting peace; serene
48. reserved: quiet and restrained in manner
49. strident: having a shrill, harsh, and grating sound or effect
50. unabashed: not embarrassed or ashamed

1. Someone who shows a desire to please is ________.
2. A rudely bold or insolent person is ________.
3. A courageous or fearless person is ________.
4. A peaceful person is ______.
5. Something that attracts attention is ______.
6. Something that is exaggerated or showy is ______.
7. An _____ person is not easily embarrassed.
8. To have a grating sound is to be ______.
9. Someone who is quiet and restrained is _____.
10. An easily managed person is _____.

# 1: BEING ALONE: Have you ever just wanted to be alone?
# 2: JUDGING PEOPLE: Can you judge a person by his looks?
#3: FAMILY: What does family mean to you?
#4: CATEGORIES: Can people be placed into categories?
#5: LYING: Is it ever OK to lie? Explain.
#6: FRIENDSHIP: What is a true friend? Are Max and Freak true friends? Explain. TURN IN JOURNALS
# 7: Why are Freak and Max friends?
# 8: Do we sometimes lie to ourselves?
# 9: Are you bothered by memories?
#10: Are you completely honest when you tell stories about yourself? 
#11: Is Freak just book smart, or does he have other kinds of intelligence, too?
#12: How has Freak (Kevin) improved Mighty’s (Max’s) life?
# 13: TROUBLE: Have you ever been in trouble for something you did NOT do?
#14: LUCK: Does luck play much of a role in your life?

Chapters 1 to 4  pages 3-15: Please read, answer the questions, turn in.
1. Where is the lake at Camp Green Lake?
2. Who owns the hammock?
3. Where do the rattlesnakes and scorpions find shade from the sun?
4. What happens to a person who is bitten by a yellow-spotted lizard?
5. What type of person was sent to Camp Green Lake?
6. What did the guard have on his lap?
7. What did Stanley have in his backpack?
8. What could you see from the bus?
9. Which outlaw had robbed Stanley’s great-grandfather’s stagecoach on its way from New York to California?
10. What job did Stanley have to do each day?

Chapters-5 to 6  pages 16-25
1. Describe Stanley’s Counselor?
2. What did you notice about the names that the boy’s used with each other?
3. What was Stanley’s crime?
4. How did the sneakers come into Stanley’s possession?
5. Why do you think that Stanley ran?
6. How did the judge describe Stanley’s “crime”?
7. What choice did the judge give to Stanley’s parents?

1. How successful was Stanley on his first outing to dig?
2. How do you know that it was still very early?
3. What did the dug up landscape remind Stanley of?
4. What would the Warden give if he liked something a digger found?
5. What were the boys digging for?
6. What did Stanley think after digging his first shovelful?
7. What occurred to him after several more shovelfuls?
8. Where was Stanley’s great-great-grandfather from?
9. What advice did Madame Zeroni give Elya Yelnats?
10. How did Madame Zeroni describe Myra Menke?
11. What warning did Madame Zeroni give to Elya if he failed the task she had set for him?
12. Why did Stanley feel dizzy?
13. What did Mr. Sir spit into the hole that Stanley had dug so far?
14. Why didn’t Elya carry the pig up the hill on the last day?
15. How did Stanley try to avoid the pain in his hands?
16. Which number from one to ten did Elya choose?
17. What did Magnet advise before using a hole to go to the toilet?
18. When did Elya remember his promise to Madame Zeroni?
19. Why didn’t Stanley accept a lift in the truck?
20. What do you think of the “family curse”

Chapters-Eight to Eleven 41-54
1. How many spots does a yellow-spotted lizard have?
2. Why didn’t Stanley use soap in the shower?
3. What does the abbreviation “rec” stand for?
4. What did Stanley intend to do in the rec room?
5. What caused Stanley to stop writing?
6. What did Stanley realise when Armpit and Squid asked him to go to dinner?
7. What had Stanley learned from digging his first hole?
8. How did he change his grip?
9. What did he find during his second digging?
10. How did Mr.Pendanski react to the fossil rock?
11. What did X-Ray ask Stanley when he came over to his hole?
12. Why hadn’t X-Ray found anything so far?
13. Was Stanley glad about the arrangement he had made with X-Ray?
14. Why didn’t Stanley expect to find anything of interest?
15. What thought made Stanley happy as he went on digging?
16. What was remarkable about the camp in the way it was different to school?
17. What did Stanley imagine about the camp boys and his school?
18. Which scene did he play over and over again in his head?
19. Did this thought help him to dig?
20. How do you feel for Stanley now?

Chapter 1
1. Who is narrating the story?
2. In which point of view is the story told?
3. List FIVE ways the author describes himself.
4. Who does the narrator live with?
5.  Explain how they feel about him.
6.  What is Grim’s opinion of the narrator’s father?
7.  Give PROOF—quote from the story – that shows Grim’s opinion of the narrator’s father.
8. When did Kevin and Max first meet?
9. Describe little Freak.
10. How old is Max at the end of Chapter 1?

Chapter 2
1. Describe the “down under.”
2. Does Max like the “down under”?
3. When does the story take place? (setting)
4. Who are the new neighbors? Describe them
5. Describe the meeting between Max and Kevin.

Chapter 3: pages 10 - 14
1. Max says Kevin “scared” him. Explain what he meant.
2. Why is Kevin waving his crutch at the tree?
3. At the end of the chapter, where is Max pulling Kevin?
4. Show how Max and Kevin are alike.
5. Show how Max and Kevin are different.

Chapters 4: pages 15-20  
1. Where does Chapter 4 take place? (setting)
2. What is Kevin’s reaction to the “down under”?
3. Why does Freak call his mom ‘Fair Gwen of Air’?
4. What does Freak compare the knights to and why?
5. What makes Freak so upset his “eyes blaze”?
6. Explain Freak’s opinion of television. Do you agree or disagree with Freak? Why?
7. Does Max like to read? Why or why not?

8. Why does Max think that the Fair Gwen ran away with Freak?

Chapter 5: pages 21-27. This will count as a Reading Test. NO PARTNERS. Do NOT copy the questions.
1. What are the two settings for this chapter?
2. Why does Max go under his bed?
3. How does Max react to Gram referring to Kevin (Freak) as a “poor boy”?
4. Why wasn’t Max excited to have dinner at Freak’s house?
5. Freak explains to Max that his mother is nervous because Max is the “spitting image of your old man.” What else does she says about Max’s father (either in your own words or in
6. Because of what Gwen says and the conversation between Grim and Gram in Chapter 1, what do you think Max’s father might be in jail for? Give PROOF—quote from the story.
7. How does Max know that Gwen is no longer nervous or scared of him?

Chapter 6: pages 28-33 
1. What is Max allowed to do for the first time?
2. Why IS Max allowed?
3. Describe Tony D.
4. What does Tony D. want from Max and Freak?
5. How does Freak respond?
6. What does that show about Freak’s personality?
7. Why does Freak think it is okay to “give him (Tony D) lip”? Does Max agree?
8. What is Max’s solution to Freak’s problem of not being able to see the fireworks?
9. While the fireworks are going off, what is Freak shouting?
10. What is Max’s reaction?

Chapter 7: pages 34 - 40
1. When Kevin is on Max’s shoulders, what does he see?
2. How does Freak steer Max?
4. Why is Max running?
5. How do Freak and Max escape danger?
6. Who helps Freak and Max?
7. How do they help Freak and Max?
8. What is Max’s father’s name?
9. What name does Freak give the cops?
10. Describe why he chose that name.

Chapter 8: pages 41-47
1. How do the cops explain to Grim and Gram what happened after the fireworks?
2. How do Gram and Grim treat Max differently after talking to the cops?
3. Why do they treat him differently?
4. What does the coffee Grim offers Max symbolize?
5. What does it stand for?
6. Describe Max’s summers before he met Freak.
7. How do Max and Freak spend the summer?
8. What does Freak do when Max asks him what a word means?
9. What does the chapter title “Dinosaur Brain” mean?
10. Do you like the story so far? Explain.

Chapter 10: pages 54-62
1. Why does Grim give Max a sorrowful look after Max
     says that Freak is not a poor boy? (foreshadowing)
2. What is going to happen at exactly 3 o’clock in the
3. Why will it happen at that time?
4. Why can’t Max fall asleep at night?
5. How do Max and Freak disguise themselves?
6. Where are Freak and Max going on their quest?
7. What do they find?
8. How did it get there?
9. To whom does it belong?

Chapter 11: pages 63-71
1. Describe the Testaments. (List THREE points)
2. Why are Freak and Max at the Testaments?
3. Describe Loretta and Iggy. (List FOUR points)
4. How do you know that Loretta is scared of Iggy?
5. Describe Max and Freak’s visit with Loretta and Iggy.
6. Why does Iggy let Max and Freak leave?
7. Do you think Freak knows about Max’s father? Why or
     why not?
8. What did Loretta mean when she said Freak’s father
     was a magician?

Chapter 12: pages 72-79
1. Why did Kevin (Freak) and Gwen convince the people at the school to allow the boys to be in the same class?
2. Why is it unusual for Max (Mighty) to be in Kevin’s (Freak’s) class?
3. Why do Grim and Gram allow Max to join Kevin’s classes?
4. Why does Kevin call the class to order? Describe the situation.
5. What effect does Kevin sitting on Max’s shoulders have on Kevin’s
     class and the teacher?
6. What effect does it have on Max?
7. Who is Mrs. Addison?
8. Why were Max and Freak sent to the principal?
9. What was the outcome of meeting with the principal?
10. Explain the chapter title.

Chapter 13: pages 80-87
1. What is the setting of chapter 13? (WHEN and WHERE)
2. How does Freak teach Max to read? What did he compare reading to?
3. Does Mrs. Donelli accept Freak the Mighty? Give PROOF—quote from the story.
4. Max is called alone to the Principal’s Office. Name TWO reasons Max thought he was called down.
5. Why did the Principal actually want to talk to Max? How does Max respond?

  Chapter 14: pages 88-92 
1. Why does Max take a day off from school?
2. What is Freak’s explanation for needing a new body?
3. Why are Grim and Gram yelling? Explain both sides of the argument. 4. With whom do you agree? Explain.
5. Who is Annie?
6. Have Grim and Gram always hated Max’s father? Did Annie trust Max’s father?
7. Why does Grim go to the “down under”? What does this show about Grim and Max’s relationship?
8. Do you think the court order will keep Killer Kane away? Why or why not?
9. For what does Max “cross his heart and hope to die”?

Chapter 15: pages 93-99 
1. When does chapter 15 take place?
2. How does Grim entertain everyone after dinner?
3. What is special about the shape of the box that Kevin
     made for Max’s gift?
4. What did Freak give Max for Christmas? Why is this
5. What happens during the night while Max is sleeping?
·       This chapter is the high point of happiness in the novel. Everything seems to go nicely until…
·       The LOW point is introduced. Killer Kane has returned
·       Freak’s Dictionary is evidence that Max (Mighty) is learning and is not learning disabled
·       TURNING POINT: happy moment meets downturn

Chapter 16: pages 100-107 
1. Is Max surprised to see his father? Why or why not?
2. Why does Max follow Kenny Kane’s directions quietly? Why doesn’t he fight or try to escape?
3. Why does Max think, “He doesn’t need a suit of armor”? To whom is he referring?
4. Why does Killer Kane say that they poisoned Max?
5. Where does Killer Kane take Max?
6. How long was Killer Kane in jail? What was the original sentence? (Chapter 11)
7. Compare Iggy’s behavior now to his behavior when Max and Kevin returned Loretta’s purse. 
Ø All this takes place during Christmas, to show the contrast between the world around Max and the situation he is in now
Ø The contrast is emphasized by the name of the place they are in: the New Testaments
Ø Iggy and Loretta are accomplices in Killer Kane’s plan

Chapter 17: pages 108-114   

1. Where does Iggy take Max and his father?
2. Why does Kenny Kane tie up Max?
3. Max’s father said he sent Max gifts and letters while he was in prison, but Grim and Gram never gave them to Max. Do you believe Max’s father really sent letters and gifts? Why or why not?
4. Explain how Killer Kane compares himself to Max and how he is treated the same way Max was. What do you think is Max’s father’s motivation for comparing himself to Max?
5. What does Max notice as he looks at his father’s face as he describes the injustices he experienced?
6. Do you believe Max’s father believes he has “religion”? Do you believe he is innocent?

Chapter 18: pages 115-121  
1. What day is it?
2. Why does Loretta visit Max and Killer Kane?
3. How does Killer Kane feel about Loretta?
    Give PROOF—quote from the story.
4. What is Killer Kane’s plan?
5. Why does Killer Kane refer to himself as “the light”?
6. What does Iggy report to Killer Kane when he comes to the apartment?
7. What do you think Iggy is trying to tell Max “with his eyes”?
8. What does Killer Kane ask Iggy to do?

Chapter 19: pages 122-127  
1. Explain the simile: Cops are like bugs.
2. Where is Killer Kane and Max’s new hideout? Describe it.
3. Describe how Killer Kane treats Max.
4. Why does Killer Kane tie Max to the boiler?
5. Who goes into “the black down under” to free Max? Who is the accomplice?
Why are they helping Max?
6. What happens during the rescue?
7. Predict what you think is going to happen next.

Chapter 20: pages 128-134  
1. How does Max react to the sight of Loretta being hurt?
2. What does Max say that gets Killer Kane to let go of Loretta?
3. How did Max get his father locked up for life when Max was only 4 years old?
4. How does Freak save Max?
5. Why is Freak laughing when he and Max get to safety?
6. What happens to Killer Kane?
7. Explain the meaning of the chapter title, “Freak the Mighty Strikes Again”.

8. Which character from this chapter could be described as a dynamic character? Why? (a dynamic character is one who changes as the story unfolds).

Chapter 21: pages 135-140               
1. Why does everyone think they will “lock Killer Kane up for good this time”?
2. How does Max relate Grim’s advice, “You can’t judge a book by its cover,” to this situation?
3. What changes at Max’s house after the situation?
4. Why does Gwen remind Kevin he has to be extra careful?
5. How is school different for Max after Christmas break?
6. What happens before Killer Kane’s trial?
7. Why is Max afraid of growing up?

Chapter 22: pages 141-146               
1. When does this chapter take place?
2. What does Freak mean by “Remembering is just an invention of the mind”?
3. What is Freak’s new fascination?
4.    a. What is Freak getting for his birthday?
       b. Why?
5. What evidence reveals that Freak was not feeling well at his birthday party?
6. What happens while Freak is showing Grim how to play chess on the computer?

VIDEO: The Piano Lesson

Boy Willie  -  Berniece's brash, impulsive, and fast-talking brother.
Lymon -  Boy Willie's longtime friend.
Berniece  -  Sister of Boy Willie. She is still in mourning for her husband, Crawley. She blames Boy Willie for her husband's death.
Doaker Charles  -  Berniece and Boy Willie's uncle and the owner of the household in which the play takes place.
Maretha -  Berniece's eleven-year-old daughter.
Avery Brown  -  A preacher who is trying to build his congregation. Avery moves north to court Berniece's after her husband dies. Wining Boy  -  Doaker’s brother and an uncle to Boy Willie and Berniece. A wandering, washed-up recording star who drifts in and out of Doaker's household whenever he finds himself broke.

The Piano Lesson is appropriately haunted by ghosts: the ghost of Sutter, the Ghosts of the Yellow Dog, the ghosts of the ancestors.
The Call to the Dead
Throughout the play, a number of characters address the dead across the grave.
Examples of African American musical traditions in The Piano Lesson are abundant, such as the work song, the traveling song, and the blues.
The Paternal and Maternal Line
In selling the piano, Boy Willie imagines himself as acting as his father might have. Against her brother, Berniece will conjure the image of Mama Ola, mournfully tending to the piano until the day she died

AIM: How can we compare different versions of the same film?
VIDEO: Lamb to the Slaughter (Find both versions on YouTube)

You have watched two versions of the same short story:
VERSION A: the black and white version
VERSION B: the color version
 In a writing of at least 150 words, please respond as follows:
PARAGRAPH ONE: A summary of the story
PARAGRAPH TWO: How they differ
PARAGRAPH THREE: Which version you preferred and why. 

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