1. How are Archie and Leon similar?
2. What is more effective: physical or mental torture?
3. Does McKee have traditions?
4. Would you fight the Vigils or give in?
5. Describe the scene in Brother Eugene's room?
6. Free Write
7. Should students raise money for their schools?
8. Free Write
9. What would you do with Archie's power?
10. Have you ever been used by another?
11. How and why does Jerry disturb the universe?
12.Should society allow for full individuality?
13. Does Jerry have inner strength?
14. Free Write
15. Have you ever felt ostracized?
16. How come some people never lose?
17. Are people really greedy and violent?
18. What did you like or dislike about The Chocolate War?
F451: Journals
J19: Free Write
J20: Do we live in a violent society?
J21. DISCUSS: Mass media has positive and negative aspects
J22. DISCUSS: Mindless pleasure-seeking and materialism leads to empty lives
J23. Do rainy days depress you?
J24. Do you have a secret?
J25: Free Write
J26: Do you read as much as you should?
J27: Is true equality possible?
J28: What is the role of a teacher?
J29: Should some info be kept from us?
J30: How are the characters in F451 both alive and dead?
J31: Do you feel inferior to brainy people?
J32: What truths exist in your life?
J33: Does F451 reflect our society?
1. Why did Jerry say no?
2. Free Write
3. Does your answer to Journal 9 say something about you?
4. Free Write
5. Is there a saying or phrase that applies to you?
6. Is Jerry following a wise course of action?
7. Describe an awkward conversation you have had.
8. Free Write
9. Why is TCW set in a private school?
10. Would you rather be an Archie or a Jerry?
11. Should Jerry have just given in?
12.Which did you prefer the book or the movie?
F451: Homeworks
HW13: Free Write
HW14: ELEMENTS IN COMMON: Equlibrium and F451
HW15. Why is freedom so important?
HW16. What should never be censored?
HW17: What is the social setting of F451?
HW18. Is political correctness always correct?
HW19: Free Write
HW20. Is Clarisse weird?
HW21. Do you sometimes feel different from others?
HW22: Why does Montag seek a teacher?
HW23: Is Montag surprised by the last call?
HW24: What makes a family?
HW25: Is Beatty correct: "There are no consequences and no responsibilities"?
HW26: Is the end of F451 satisfying?
HW27: Which did you prefer: F451 or Equilibrium?
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