ANTHEM: Journals
1. How are people cotrolled in Anthem?
2. Would you trade freedom for security?
3. Free Write
4. What are the "Great Truths" of your life?
5. What word is Equality seeking? Why is it important?
6. Why is "love" a threat to the World Council?
7. Why can't we live like Equality?
8. Free Write
9. Should science create only what's good for society?
10. Is society more important than the individual?
11. What role do women play in our society?
12. Is Equality's conflict internal, external, or both?
13. Free Write
14. Is there a fair way to evaluate people?
15. What did you like about Anthem?
16. Does Anthem reflect our world?
17. How is Jonathan E. like Equality?
18. COMPARE/CONTRAST: Equality's world and Jonathan E's world 19. Do we live in a violent society?
20. Free Write
21. DISCUSS: Mass media has positive and negative aspects
22. DISCUSS: Mindless pleasure-seeking and materialism leads to empty lives
23. Do rainy days depress you?
24. Do you have a secret?
J25: Free Write
J26: Do you read as much as you should?
J27: Is true equality possible?
J28: What is the role of a teacher?
J29: Should some info be kept from us?
J30: How are the characters in F451 both alive and dead?
J31: COMPARE/CONTRAST: Equilibrium and F451
J32: Do you feel inferior to brainy people?
J33: What truths exist in your life?
J34: What was the greatest surprise of your life?
J35: How is knowledge passed to a new generation?
J36: How does the Mechanical Hound reflect their society?
J37: Free Write
J38: How does F451 and Pleasantville compare?
J39: Is power a good or bad thing to have?
J40: Do the witches need to be real?
J41: What is the difference between a king and a tyrant?
J42: How are women viewed in Macbeth?
J43: Why can't Lady Macbeth kill Duncan?
J44: What does blood symbolize in this play?
J45: How do morality and ambition interact?
J46: How do the porter's words mirror the play?
J47: PREDICT: Will Macbeth be successful?
J48: Do you ever repeat past mistakes?
J49: Is Macbeth "power unchecked?"
J50: How can Macbeth not have seen the end coming?
ANTHEM: Homeworks
1. Why are some products successful?
2. Why does Equality escape into Nature?
3. Free Write
4. Should speech be censored?
5. What did you dislike about Anthem?
6. Why do you like movies?
7. Elements in common: Anthem and Rollerball
8. Why is freedom so important?
9. What is the role of violence in Rollerball?
10. Free Write
11. Is political correctness always correct?
12. What is the "social setting" of F451?
13. Is Clarisse weird?
14. Do you sometimes feel different from others?
15: Free Write
16: What is your favorite form of entertainment?
17: What's your greatest skill?
18: Free Write
HW19. What is the "social setting" of F451?
HW20. Describe a useless task
HW21. Does Equilibrium leave you satisfied?
HW22: Why does Montag seek a teacher?
HW23: Describe the animal and nature imagery in F451
HW24: Is Montag surprised by the last call?
HW25: What makes a family?
HW26: Is the end of F451 satisfying?
HW27: In which world would you rather live: F451's or Pleasantville's?
HW28: How does power change people?
HW29: Is Macbeth a good guy?
HW30: Why does one evil act often require a second evil act?
HW31: Is Lady Macbeth a stronger character than Macbeth?
HW32: Why is Banquo a threat to Macbeth?
HW33: Are the visions real or hallucinatory?
HW34: How have Macbeth and Lady Macbeth traded roles?
HW35: Is Macbeth responsible for his actions?
HW36: How come Horoscopes seem accurate ?
HW37: What does Macduff mean when he says: “I shall do so, / But I must also feel it as a man
HW38: What protects Macbeth from death: self-belief or a charm?
HW39: Did you enjoy the play?
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