Thursday, March 31, 2011

SAT VOCAB: Group 4

abstract: thought that is not part of concrete reality
aesthetic: a sense of beauty in nature or art
benevolent: kind feelings toward others
capricious: changing one's mind without much thought
complacent: self-satisfied to a fault
conciliatory: giving in to the opposing side in order to gain favor
devious: departing from the most direct way; tricky
diligent: persistent and constant effort
discernible: ability to see the hidden or obscured
dogmatic: asserting opinions in a dictatorial manner
eccentric: deviating from accepted practice; unconventional
fallacious: deceptive, misleading; logically unsound
indifferent: not caring; neutral; without interest
inquisitive: eager to learn; questioning
meticulous: extreme care about minute details
pertinent: relevant; directly related to the topic
plausible: appearing true but not necessarily true
reticent: reserved; quiet

Monday, March 28, 2011

SAT VOCAB: Groups 1, 2. 3

Bigotnarrow-minded, prejudiced person
Counterfeitfake; false
Enfranchisegive voting rights
Hamperhinder; obstruct
Kindleto start a fire
Noxiousharmful; poisonous; lethal
Placidcalm; peaceful
Remunerationpayment for work done
Talismanlucky charm

Group 2

Abrasiverough; coarse; harsh
Bilkcheat; defraud
Coverthidden; undercover
Hangarstorage area (like garage) for a plane
Knottycomplex; difficult to solve
Nuancesomething subtle; a fine shade of meaning
Plagiarismtaking credit for someone else's writing or ideas
Tangentgoing off the main subject

Group 3

Abasementhumiliation; degradation
Billowingswelling; fluttering; waving
Cowerrecoil in fear or servility; shrink away from
Enhanceimprove; make better or clearer
Haranguenoisy, attacking speech
Labyrintha maze
Nullifyto counter; make unimportant
Plaintiffpetitioner (in court of law)
Tangiblecan be touched

Friday, March 25, 2011

FENCES: For Aaron Brown and Timothy Taeschner

Fences: The Project

Mr. M. Nestlebaum

DIRECTIONS: For this part of the project, read the play and answer the questions. You will be required to submit your work once a week until all the parts of the project are complete.

Act One: Scene One

  1. Where does the entire first scene (indeed, the entire play) take place?
  2. What are the clues that Bono is a loyal friend to Troy?
  3. What complaint will troy take before the union?
  4. Who is Alberta? What is Bono hinting at when he mentions her to Troy?
  5. Who are Rose, Cory and Lyons? Discuss Cory’s interest and Lyon’s interest
  6. Why didn’t Troy play major league baseball?

Scene Two

  1. Describe Gabriel: who is he, what are his problems, why has he moved out of Troy’s house, who does he believe he is?
  2. How was Troy able to buy his house?
  3. What do Rose and Lyons enjoy playing?
  4. Explain the two times fences are mentioned in this scene.

Act One: Scene Three

  1. Describe how Troy is fair about the purchase of a television.
  2. Describe how Troy is unfair in regard to Cory’s football plans.
  3. What are Troy and Cory doing while discussing TV and football?
  4. Describe the relationship between Troy and Cory.

Scene Four

  1. How long after Act One, Scene One does this scene take place?
  2. What is the irony of Troy winning his case against the commissioner?
  3. How does Lyons surprise Troy?
  4. What does Gabriel say he will have to do some day?
  5. Why is Cory angry at Troy?
  6. What did Bono learn from his father? What did Troy?

Monday, March 21, 2011


1.Write a poem or a song describing what you view as "home." The poem should be a minimum of 12 lines.
2. Include a picture or a drawing that best describes what home is to you.
3. Choose a character from Garcia Girls and interview her. You must ask 20 questions and supply 20 answers.

Friday, March 4, 2011


Analgesicpain medicine
Caucuspolitical meeting
Deteriorateworsen; decline
Expositionclear explanation
Incessantwithout stopping
Maelstromwhirlpool; storm in the ocean
Palatablegood to eat; agreeable
Prerogativeright or privilege
Savantperson with knowledge
Unctuousoily; using excessive flattery
Incipientjust beginning
Magnanimousgenerous; big-hearted
Palisadefence made of posts
Prescienthaving fore-knowledge
Scaleto climb
Undermineddamaged; attacked