Monday, March 28, 2011

SAT VOCAB: Groups 1, 2. 3

Bigotnarrow-minded, prejudiced person
Counterfeitfake; false
Enfranchisegive voting rights
Hamperhinder; obstruct
Kindleto start a fire
Noxiousharmful; poisonous; lethal
Placidcalm; peaceful
Remunerationpayment for work done
Talismanlucky charm

Group 2

Abrasiverough; coarse; harsh
Bilkcheat; defraud
Coverthidden; undercover
Hangarstorage area (like garage) for a plane
Knottycomplex; difficult to solve
Nuancesomething subtle; a fine shade of meaning
Plagiarismtaking credit for someone else's writing or ideas
Tangentgoing off the main subject

Group 3

Abasementhumiliation; degradation
Billowingswelling; fluttering; waving
Cowerrecoil in fear or servility; shrink away from
Enhanceimprove; make better or clearer
Haranguenoisy, attacking speech
Labyrintha maze
Nullifyto counter; make unimportant
Plaintiffpetitioner (in court of law)
Tangiblecan be touched

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