Thursday, March 31, 2011

SAT VOCAB: Group 4

abstract: thought that is not part of concrete reality
aesthetic: a sense of beauty in nature or art
benevolent: kind feelings toward others
capricious: changing one's mind without much thought
complacent: self-satisfied to a fault
conciliatory: giving in to the opposing side in order to gain favor
devious: departing from the most direct way; tricky
diligent: persistent and constant effort
discernible: ability to see the hidden or obscured
dogmatic: asserting opinions in a dictatorial manner
eccentric: deviating from accepted practice; unconventional
fallacious: deceptive, misleading; logically unsound
indifferent: not caring; neutral; without interest
inquisitive: eager to learn; questioning
meticulous: extreme care about minute details
pertinent: relevant; directly related to the topic
plausible: appearing true but not necessarily true
reticent: reserved; quiet

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