Friday, May 28, 2010


SPEAK by Laurie Halse Anderson

Each response must be at least 50 words long.

J1: Describe your first day of high school.
HW1:Can you keep a secret? Are there clues that Melinda is keeping a secret?
J2: How does your room express who you are?
HW2: Does your family communicate? How does Melinda's family communicate?
J3: Do you have school spirit?
HW3: Would Melinda be your friend?
J4: How do you express yourself?
HW4: Why do we sometimes not like people who are good at things?
J5: Why are some people "joiners" and others are not?
HW5: Are we the same on the outside as we are on the inside? Is Melinda?
J6: Free Writing
HW6: What is a real American? Is Mr. Neck a real American?
J7: Are the Marthas good friends to Heather or not?
HW7: What qualities are important in a person?
J8: Was being a child better than being a teenager?
HW8: Do you know anyone like Melinda?
J9: Have you ever felt used by others?
HW9: Is Melinda using Heather or is Heather using Melinda?
J10: Can you learn about love from a book?
HW10: Do guidance counselors really help?
J11: How closely do you notice your teachers' lives?
HW11: Are teachers always right?
J12: Free Writing
HW12: Free Writing
J13: Have you ever been dumped or dumped another?
HW13: Do suspensions really help?
J14:"Art is about making mistakes." What else is like that?
HW14: Do you ever cut school?
J15: What is a "total loser"?
HW15: Do you have a safe haven?
J16: Use the same categories Melinda uses and grade yourselves.
HW16: Were you caught by surprise by Melinda's revelation?
J17: What lies were you told in school?
HW17: Have you or your friends ever been in major trouble?
J18: Free Writing
HW18: Free Writing
J19: Which did you prefer: book or movie
HW19: What are your favorite movies?

OF MICE AND MEN by John Steinbeck
J20: Describe George and Lennie
HW20: Why are George and Lennie friends?
J21: Describe the ranch chararcters.
HW21: How are Curley and Slim different?
J22: Should past accomplishments make a difference today?
HW22: How are Candy and his dog similar?
J23: Describe the loneliness felt by various characters.
HW23: Are George and Lennie lonely or not?
J24: Why are dreams so often unfulfilled?
HW24: What is the happiest moment in the novel.
J25: How are women portrayed in Of Mice and Men?
HW25: Why doesn't Curley's wife have a name?
J26: What is "strength"?
HW26: Who are the strongest characters in the book?
J27: Free Writing
HW27: Free Writing
J28: PREDICT: What will happen next?
HW28: COMPARE / CONTRAST: Lennie and George
J29: Did you like the end?
HW29: What happens to George after the novel ends?
J30: Write a letter to George
HW30: Write a letter to Lennie from George.
J31: Are George and Lennie in the movie as you envisioned them?
HW31: Is Curley's wife as you imagined her?
J32: Free Writing
HW32: Is the "Hand Scene" more exciting in the movie or tne book?
J33: Why don't we feel sorry for Curley?
HW33: Which did you prefer: book or movie?
J34: What is the best advice you ever followed?
HW34: What is the best advice you wish you had followed?
J35: Who are you on the outside?
HW35: Who are you on the inside?
J36: Where do you see yourself in ten years?
HW36: What is your Plan B for life?

OTHELLO by Shakespeare
J37: Who are the characters
HW37: Why is reputation so important?
J38: Why don't we trust Iago?
HW38: Why is jealousy so foolish?
J39: How is Desdemona a "modern" woman?
HW39: How did Othello win Desdemona's heart?
J40: Read Iago, pages 69 & 70: Do Iago's lines make you feel sympathy for Roderigo? Explain.
HW40: Is Roderigo a victim or a "willing" victim of Iago's deceptions?
J41: Which kind of torture is worse: psychological or physical?
HW41: Which jealousies motivate Iago's actions?
J42: What are the advantages to being alone?
HW42: Discuss Roderigo's "invisibility."
J43: What is justice?
HW43: Is Iago trying to enforce justice?
J44: Define LOVE
HW44: Do Othello and Desdemona fit your definition of love?
J45: Free Writing
HW45: Free Writing
J46: Are you easily fooled?
HW46: How does Iago keep fooling everyone?
J47: How are Iago and Othello reverse images of each other?
HW47: Is Roderigo necessary for the play?
J48: What is more important: truth or the appearance of truth?
HW48: Would you tell a lie to hurt another?
J49: How does Iago lie without actually lying?
HW49: Why is marital fidelity so important?
J50: Respond: The best way to answer a bad deed is with a good one.
HW50: Respond: "There are none so blind as those who refuse to see."
J51: Free Writing
HW51: Free Writing
J52: Why does Act V, Scene 1 occur at night?
HW52: What does Desdemona mean when she says: "Alas, he is destroyed and I am betrayed." What does Othello believe these words to mean?
J53: Why does Emilia want her body placed on the bed next to Desdemona's?
HW53: Why doesn't Iago confess or explain himself in the final scene?
J54: Why doesn't Iago die in the final scene?
HW54: Did you enjoy this play?

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