Section 1
Burrow: a hole animals use to take shelter; a hideout
Demerit: a mark against someone for misconduct
Errant: straying from the right course
Flounder: act clumsily
Incite: to stir; encourage
Inconspicuous: not noticeable; invisible
Indoctrination: teaching someone to accept an idea or principle
Pseudo: pretend; fake; false
Sanctuary: a sacred place offering refug e or safety
Wan: dark; gloomy; pale in color; sickly
Section 2
Degrade: humiliate; dishonor
Demure: shy, modest
Dormant: inactive; asleep
Drone: a mindless worker
Refurbish: to renovate
Retreat: to withdraw; go back
Revolutionary: a radical change or innovation
Sensibilities: emotions; feelings
Subjectivity: decisions based on personal feelings rather than facts
Xenophobia: fear or hatred of foreigners
Section 3
Asphyxiate: choke; suffocate; smother
Bigoted: intolerant of other beliefs
Conundrum: a difficult problem; a dilemma
Dense: slow-witted; thinking in a dull manner
Dynamics: the forces that characterize a system or group
Imbeciles: a group of stupid or silly people
Reluctance: unwillingness; resistance
Submission: surrendering to another
Vespiary: a nest of social wasps
Wistful: thoughtful in a sad way; longing, yearning
Section 4
Conscience: the inner sense of what is right or wrong
Consistency: practicing the same behavior or principles
Delinquency: failure to fulfill an obligation
Foster: nourishe; encourage
Genetics: science of heredity
Incriminate: to make someone appear guilty
Momentum: force or speed of movement; motion
Muse: inspiration
Recessive: unexpressed; not dominant
Tenacious: persistent; stubborn; vicious
Section 5
Alleged: something described but not proven
Banish: force to leave; drive away; expel
Coax: to persuade by pleading or flattery
Devious: not straightforward; shifty; crooked
Hazing: abuse of newcomers with humiliating tricks
Leper: an outcast
Maladjusted: poorly adjusted in one’s social circumstances
Pruning: to cut off; remove
Reputation: public views of an individual
Vague: not clear or definite
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